Currently seeking partner organizations (based in New England) for pilots this winter — for more info!

Smart Recycling for a better world.

Remove contamination and separate your recycling by any material, all within the bin.
Partner With Us
We are currently seeking organizations to partner with us in market testing, to install one of our bins on your premises, this upcoming winter. There will be no cost to you. Please contact us if you’d like to explore this opportunity.
Improve Your Environmental Footprint
Our core mission is to make sure that recycling actually gets recycled. Currently in the US, our recycling rates are abysmal (68% of paper and paperboard, 65% of aluminum, 25% of glass, and only 9% of plastic), and it is often unclear what ends up happening to the materials.
Due to strict contamination policies enacted by waste management companies since China’s 2020 National Sword Policy, many custodians are instructed simply to dispose of recycling bags that are even a little contaminated. This makes sense given the circumstances, but it is no wonder that our recycling rates are so low, and there has to be a better way. By sorting out contaminants within the bin itself, this contamination issue is resolved, and all of that recycling can now go its proper course, reducing substantial amounts of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the process.
Lower Your Recycling Costs
We know that recycling is only sustainable in the long-run if it is cost-effective compared to the alternatives. In addition to the environmental benefits of the SplitStream Bin increasing overall recycling, there is also the opportunity over time to lower your recycling costs, due to our material separation within the bin.
When all recyclables are not only clean, but also already separated by material, there is the opportunity for your organization to go directly to material buyers with the product, or to other processors, rather than being forced to be these high per-ton fees to waste management companies for single-stream.