Currently seeking partner organizations (based in New England) for pilots this winter — for more info!

Impact Model

Discover the impact that SplitStream bins could have for your organization.
Simply enter in estimates for your current numbers on the left, and toggle between the options on the right to see the results.
Contact us for more information or if you’d like an excel version of this model with more inputs.
* MTCO2Eq stands for Metric Tons of CO2 Emissions Equivalent, meaning that this is a measure of all Greenhouse Gas emissions (including CO2 and Methane). Our provided stat "Annual MTCO2Eq Reduction" is based off of research done by the EPA in 2018 on the MTCO2Eq emission reduction of recycling when compared to landfills, by material. So, a value of 100 Annual MTCO2Eq Reduction in your results would mean the amount of GHG Emissions (using the MTCO2Eq unit) that you are reducing by recycling, compared to the scenario that you landfilled all of it.
This model assumes that your current recycling system is single-stream, and the calculations are made accordingly.